Monday 14 December 2009

This page is for booking for the Burns Lunch on Saturday 6 February 2010.

Please copy and paste the black-text items into your email. If booking by post, copy it into a new Word document. Include email information if relevant. If it is, please state if you would like email confirmation.

Please then add all the information.

Print the document and please send it as detailed below.

You could do all this by phone and Sue Davidson's number is on the home page at the top. Please make a note of the address below before writing the cheque..

Title and Name

Your house number/name



Town and post code

Your phone number

Number of tickets requested

Tickets multiplied by £25 - total £...

Using email, you will receive a reply by email confirming your booking. You can then send your cheque to the address below.

To be entered.

Please click here to send your email

To be entered.

The subject can be - Burns Lunch

Thank you..